Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Blog or online diary?

So typing the last post I was approached by my boyfriend John (who I've  been with for a year now), and he asked what I was typing. I replied with a smile, "I made my first blog! It's kinda like a diary you know?" And he simply replied, "That's so gay, you shouldn't do something like that."  
I felt so offended because when we first got together he made me delete my facebook, which really turned out to be a huge ordeal with him. He even deleted his, (we met on facebook). But as time together goes on I realize he has terrible anxiety and feels he has to keep me from everyone HE feels is a bad influence. Okay, I'M a big girl I can make good judgments on my own without him trying to choose and pick what friends I can hangout with. And the other night when I first made this blog drew the line. I have a life. And I like to type down thoughts and events that interest me. It makes me feel like I'm alive, since I'm only allowed to sit a home a wait for him to come back from a 16hour day of work. Writing a blog makes me feel...human you could say, haha. So he can suck it. I promise to myself that I will keep this blog alive!

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