Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's been 2 months since my last entry and I'm desperate for things to get better. I've been in a downward emotional state since the second week of February and I have been spiraling ever since. I can heavy-heartedly say I am depressed.
But as of today I am going to get back on my feet again. I feel I should explore my interests in the paranormal and ghost hunting. For I have come across situations in my life that have proven to me that I have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS).

I would love to experience myself ghost hunting in Molly Stark Hospital. As of right now the image of the first time I laid eyes on that enchanting place. It was a full moon night and the atmosphere was mystical to say the least. I've heard stories about one of my old pals sneaking into the hospital and even walking through all floors basement to the rooftop. I can only imagine..

I pray there is still time for my dream to be met, I wish to save this place from the wrecking ball.

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